The decoration items by Clément Boutillon: Boldness, luxury, and little stories.

Boutillon 2023 Portrait Designer  Jean-Luc Petit

Bold, modern, and distinctive decoration 

Designer Clément Boutillon’s objects are modern decorative pieces, tableware, and lifestyle items that aim to disrupt the everyday atmosphere of your interior with a bold and contemporary identity, which the designer painstakingly develops daily. It is the inspirations that the designer incorporates into his objects that make the creations unique. Drawing from organic, telluric, aerodynamic universes, and from the history of design and rituals, the designer creates new objects that are both sleek and minimalist, surprising and conversation-starting.

Blending design, experimentation, and French handcraft. 

These high-end luxury lifestyle objects come to life through the skillful blend of expertise that designer Clément Boutillon applies to his creations, combining the refinement of his designs with new technologies and handcrafting the pieces in his design and production studios in Nevers, France.

Avant-garde lifestyle

Each object tells a story

The ambition of this approach is to transform the home into a living museum where each object possesses a captivating story that delights the eyes. The egg cup transforms brunch into a ceremonial event, the teapot becomes a futuristic and ultra-modern decorative item, and the Shibari vase subtly disrupts the mind. It’s up to you to discover the story behind each object and share it with your guests.

 Almost japanese

The pride of “Made in France” handcrafted

Our objects are shaped piece by piece using the molding method. It’s a great source of pride to affirm that the entire manufacturing process is carried out in France, in our workshop in Nevers. We have two workshops in Nevers: the boutique workshop located at 14 Rue des Récollets, which is the boutique workshop accessible by doorbell, and La Verrière, which is the design studio, mold-making workshop, and photo studio.

Thanks to these two spaces, we create our own designs in-house, print the models in 3D, and manufacture the plaster molds. Then we handcraft each piece one by one in Nevers faience. Finally, we also manage the photography aspect of the pieces. In essence, we do everything with the values that are dear to us.

Values above all

The idea behind this young brand, launched in 2021 by the designer, is to offer decoration with a bold signature, without compromising on the creative process. Above all, it aims to provide the most coherent French manufacturing possible. Thus, Clément constantly questions and improves the brand’s responsibility on a daily basis.

Since 2021

No plastic is purchased for packaging and shipping the pieces.

Ceramic firing is done through the purchase of renewable energy.

White pieces with poor glazing are redecorated and become signature finishes to minimize waste.

Second-choice items are continuously available based on stock availability, with a 20% discount on the least successful pieces.

Since 2024

The water used for clay work and cleaning has been decanted since 2021 and especially recycled since 2024 to consume less water. There is always a certain magic when the red clay water comes out transparent and is reused to shape the pieces and clean the workshop.

Next goals for 2025

We are working on recycling clay and glaze scraps to reuse them and produce new items.


Clément Boutillon studied and worked as product designer for ten years in Paris.  He worked as an assistant for Noe Duchaufour Lawrance. Then he worked as head of design for Kossi Aguessy Studio working for two years on a range of luxury pieces exhibited in Paris and New-York.

Boutillon was always fascinated by the world of luxury, beauty and crafts. The shape has a fascinating impact on our desire, our pleasure.

 As a passionate designer with an eye for detail, Boutillon is always working on new exciting projects, exploring new horizons, in quest to capture and transmit pure emotion and love for well designed objects. Then he decides to become a ceramist in order to create his own products. 

 In 2020, he begins a collection of premium handcrafted ceramics designed and crafted by himself in France. Limited Editions and common pieces are presented on his website and in some stores. His process is a mix between product design and ceramics manufacturing….