Luxury Cigar Ashtray

Luxury aerodynamic cigar ashtray

The luxury cigar ashtray designed by the designer is imagined as a sculptural piece for the presentation of the cigar on table. Inspired by luxury nautical shapes, this ceramic cigar ashtray can present the cigar, hide the box of matches and stock the cigar-cutter. The ashtray is handmade in France in Clément Boutillon Studios.

Luxury Cigar Ashtray


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Technical Details

Dimensions: l,w,h  21 x 11 x 6 cm
Material: Earthenware (Ceramic)
Wash by hand

Luxury designer ceramic cigar ashtray
Cendrier à cigare luxe moderne blanc
Cendrier à cigare luxe moderne noir
Cendrier à cigare luxe moderne